What does “good taste of code” mean by Linus

In this TED interview of Linus, Linus himself has talked about something he values the best: good taste of code, which as I guess, at least half of audience are confused on what he is really talking about.

I can not say that I am fully understand what he really means, but below is my interpetation.

Continue reading What does “good taste of code” mean by Linus

`zcmd.zig`: a `std.childProcess.run` replacement but with the ability of running `bash` pipeline

(originally posted here: https://zig.news/liyu1981/zcmdzig-a-stdchildprocessrun-replacement-but-with-the-ability-of-running-bash-pipeline-2k0h)

Continue reading `zcmd.zig`: a `std.childProcess.run` replacement but with the ability of running `bash` pipeline